When I (Vijay) was first assigned this job to run a Birds of a Feather (BoF) session for the FIRST conference 2017 in Puerto Rico, I was excited. After a few attempts to convince my family to go, I settled to travel alone into my favorite vacation spot – only this time for work |
Flying into Puerto Rico is some times breathtaking with its clear waters and fascinating landscape. Here is a shot from the airplane, due to the clear morning when I landed. |
I have always enjoyed local life of Puerto Rico with its “pinchos” – barbecued chicken and “Pina” fresh pineapple screwed out of a full fruit for anyone to enjoy. Later pineapple is filled to make Pina Colada. |
One of my favorite rustic grounds to visit is the Indian Cave or “La Cueva del Indio” – needless to say the place remains a simple nature preserve with plenty of things to see and do. |
As you hike or walk along the beach there is plenty of nature to see (apart from colorful fish like tangs, clown fish and wrasse ), I caught this American Oystercatcher, a feeder of on bivalves (oysters, clams, and mussels) protecting its nest in the crevices of rocks. |
Here is my selfie at one of the “seven arches” shows several places where you can dive and explore but also walk along the rocks and view the beauty of nature carved rocks and arches. |
One other thing to catch if you are able to repel down into the caves is some of the ruins left by Taino indigenous people still in tact, as they have believed to have fled from Spanish explorers and survived here |
Back at the city, I was back to the viva ciudad with friends I had met from over 12 different nationalities and fascinating backgrounds at the Mercado market with its international foodcourt and drink selection. |
A the Hilton Caribe, I also met this Iguana who was so accustomed to people at the Hilton Caribe, he was happy get some petting, a bit of sun bathing and any food including the orchid flowers. |
It was great place to visit and thanks to FIRST and to the great crew of people I met at the conference. It was a rich experience and I got a good taste of the outreach into international computer security community and a valuable travel experience!